Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Carry 5 update...

Hey kids... If anyone out there actually uses this site to keep track of my goings on...I apologize for not being on top of the updates as well as I should.

I never even mentioned a word about the Emerald City Comic Con this year (In my defense, I haven't had an internet connection at my house for about a month...and I was very busy with a ton of projects, including stuff for the Comic-Con...).
All excuses aside... Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see me, and special thanks to those of you who bought my crap.
The geographic location of my booth was not ideal this year, but I still did pretty well, and had some fun. See you again next April...

I have some other artsy functions coming up over the next couple of months, including a solo show at GARGOYLES in Seattle's University District in July. (More details to come...)
My good friend Angel (179) has a show up in Ballard right now at MARKET STREET SHOES 2215 MARKET STREET , including work from some of her buddies (like me!). Check it out!

Last, but not least-
I did a design for a Thrasher Skate Rock Marginal Way Skatepark T-shirt that turned out pretty cool (check out the picture posted above...)
...and finally here is a picture of my jug from the CARRY 5 ART SHOW...for more info, or to place your bid, go to http://www.carry5.org/

'Til next time... Take care!